CS 408 - Computer Networks
Fall 2019
3 credits
Instructor: Albert Levi, FENS 1091, x9563, levi@sabanciuniv.edu
TAs: F.
Kerem Örs, fkerem@sabanciuniv.edu
(Office and Office Hour: See lab website)
Aydın, mustafaaydin@sabanciuniv.edu
(Office and Office Hour: See lab website)
Oğuz Özsaygın, oguzozsaygin@sabanciuniv.edu (Office and Office Hour: See lab website)
Yusuf A. Polat, yusufarslan@sabanciuniv.edu (Office and Office Hour: See lab website)
Lecture Schedule: M 8:40 - 10:30, FASS G062
F 14:40 – 15:30, FASS G062
Lab Schedule: Section A: W 17:40 – 19:30 FENS L045
Section B: Th 16:40 – 18:30 FENS L045
Lab and TA web site is here.
Main Textbook: Computer Networking with Internet Protocols and
Technologies, William Stallings
Reference: Computer Networks, 4th or 5th edition, Andrew Tanenbaum
Reference: Computer Networks and Internets, Douglas Comer, 5th or
6th ed.
Reference: Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the
Internet, Kurose and Ross, 4th or newer edition
Reference: Data and Computer Communications, Stallings, 6th or
newer edition
Syllabus is here
- No labs in
the first and possibly in the second week. Starting date of the labs will
be announced later.
- The date for
the midterm exam has been fixed. It is on Nov. 18, 2019, Monday, 8:40 –
10:30 (lecture time).
- Labs will start in the third
week (October 2/3). Please see the lab web site for details.
- First homework is
assigned at SUCourse. Deadline is October 14, Monday, 8:40 (to be
submitted in hardcopy in class).
- Course project has been
assigned at SUCourse. Please read the details there.
- Second homework (about
Lab 2-packet capture and analysis with Wireshark)
is assigned at SUCourse. Deadline
is November 7, 2019, Thursday, 22:00.
- Midterm exam will be held on Nov. 18, 2019,
08:40- 10:30.
- Place are (according to lastnames)
[Akdağ - Berksöz]:
FASS 1096
[Bilge - Deveci]: FASS 1097
[Duman - Süslü]: FASS
[Şencan - Yücel]:
FASS 1098
- The exam will be closed book, closed
- Calculators are allowed but not to be
- Midterm exam coverage and detailed
information are here.
- There will be recitation in the lab hours
on Wednesday Nov. 13 and Thursday Nov. 14, 2019.
- There will be an extra recitation on
Wednesday Dec. 25, 2019, 19:00 – 21:00 in FENS L045. The questions that I
will solve in this recitation have been sent out via email. The solutions
will not be sent (will only be solved in recitation).
- Final exam will be held on December 26,
2019, Thursday, 12:30 - 15:30
- Place are (according to lastname initials)
[A-D] in FENS L045
[E-Ş] in FENS G077 (auditorium)
[T-Z] in FENS G035
- First you will take the quiz for Lab 4
between 12:30 - 13:00. The quiz is open notes.
- After that we will start the final exam.
- The final exam is closed book, closed
notes. Calculators are allowed but not to be shared.
- Final exam coverage and detailed
information is here.
Outline (Lecture
notes will be posted here after the topics have been covered in lectures)
Labs, Project and Homework Assignments
- Please follow lab web site, SUCourse and email
announcements for lecture and lab related homeworks.
Homework assignments will not be posted from this web site.
- There will be 4-5 labs (some of them may last several
weeks). During these labs you will have hands-on experience and/or
practical lectures on C# language, socket programming, Internet protocols
(via packet capturing and analysis), DNS and various server installations
and configurations, LAN design and implementation, IP subnetting.
More information on lab sessions will be posted on the lab web site in
- The labs WILL NOT be direct application of the
but they will be related to each other. We DO NOT aim to use
labs as recitations to help the students to get higher marks in the exams.
- There will be one or two homework assignments about
lecture material. Moreover, there will be either homework, quiz, project
or in-lab performance to be graded related to each lab. Moreover
there will be a term project and its weight will be greater than or equal
to 20%. Homework assignments are to be done individually, but the project
will be done in groups. Project requires programming and it is about
development of applications that run on networks (this may also require an
application layer protocol design). The project will be done in three
phases with different deadlines and grading.
Tentative Grading
Midterm exam 30%
Final 35%
Homework, project and labs 35%
Make-up Policy
make-up! If you miss something, you miss it, no matter the reason is! If the
reason is really valid, you may take an oral examination instead of a written
Important dates
Exam: Week
10 – Nov. 18, 2019, Monday, 8:40 – 10:30 (lecture hour; places to be
Final exam: as scheduled by SR, it is on Thursday, December 26, 2019, at
12:30 pm (places to be determined).
Homework, project and lab deadlines will be specified separately