

Plotting Tutorial with LibreOffice Calc

(or Microsoft Excel)

NS101  FALL 2014




LibreOffice Calc is a powerful spreadsheet program, with which you can display data, perform calculations and create plots.  The aim of this tutorial is to introduce and familiarize you with some specific tools that we use in NS101.  Follow these steps one by one to learn the basic operation of the spreadsheet software.  Since LibreOffice Calc is very similar to Microsoft Excel, you can almost directly apply these tutorial instructions to Excel also (you will see notes for Excel users in some steps where Excel differs from Calc, and the notes are indicated by ). 


Tutorial Menu

1. Start the Program

2. Spreadsheet Basics

3. Mathematical Operations

4. Graphing

5. Printing the Graph

6. Plotting Exercise



1. Start the Program

To launch the program, go to Start on your windows desktop, and then go to Programs >> LibreOffice (version) >> LibreOffice Calc


For Microsoft Excel, go to Start >>Programs >>Microsoft Office >>Microsoft Office Excel





2. Spreadsheet Basics

When you open Calc, it will show an empty spreadsheet, named “Untitled 1”.  Each spreadsheet is called worksheet and you are now on “Sheet 1” as you can see at the bottom of the sheet.

Each rectangle is called cell, and each cell has a unique name defined by column and row number.  Columns are identified by letters (A, B, C, …) in horizontal bar at the top of the worksheet, and rows are identified by numbers (1, 2, 3, …) in vertical bar on the left side of the worksheet.  For example, the first cell on the left upper corner has a name A1.

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3. Mathematical Operations

When you single click a cell, you can select the cell; whereas double click makes you edit the cell.  Let’s double click the cell A1.  You now see the blinking cursor inside the cell, and whatever you type there will appear also in the formula bar on top.

You can type any text in a cell, or you can put a mathematical formula and have Calc perform the mathematical operation.  Calc accepts following operators:












 Mathematical formula must begin with “=”:

For example, to calculate 4 × 6, type “=4*6” in a cell and hit the enter key.  The calculation result appears in the cell, but the formula bar shows the formula you entered.  Notice that if you don’t have “=” in front of the formula, it will just show “4*6” in the cell, as text.

Calc also has some defined mathematical functions, such as square-root, , and exponent (e), as shown below.





Square root


















Using these pre-defined functions, let us calculate an area () of a circle with a given radius.  Enter the 5 different radius values as shown in the left figure.  To calculate the area for the first radius (0.1 m), double click on B3 cell and enter the formula: “=PI()*”, and click on the A3 cell, where the radius value is.  This automatically puts “A3” in your formula and highlights the A3 cell, and takes the value of the cell.  Now, continue typing the formula by adding “^2”.  When you hit the enter key, the result shows as “0.03”.

To go out of the input mode without modifying the formula, just hit the escape (ESC) key.

 If you get a "#VALUE!" error, it may be due to the decimal point error (need to use , instead of .), so read this note on DECIMAL POINT ERROR.


Now, if you want to do the same calculation for all other radius values, you can easily copy-paste the formula as follows:

Click on the B3 cell, and click and hold the black square () on the lower right corner.  While still holding the mouse, drag the cursor (shown now as +) straight down the column B to B7, and let go.  All the cells (B3 to B7) should be filled with the results.

Click on one of the cells, B5, for example – notice that the formula is modified to “=PI()*A5^2”, to take into account the radius of 0.3 m in the cell A5.





Two more useful mathematical functions are Summation (SUM) and Average (AVERAGE).  Both functions take a range of numbers/cells as an input, instead of a single number/cell.



Adds all the numbers in a range of cells.


SUM(Number1; Number2; ...; Number30)

Number 1 to Number 30 are up to 30 arguments whose sum is to be calculated.


SUM(1;2;3;4;5) will return 15 as the result.

SUM(A1;A3;B5) calculates the sum of the three cells.

SUM (A1:E10) calculates the sum of all cells in the A1 to E10 cell range.



Returns the average of the arguments.


AVERAGE(Number1; Number2; ...Number30)

Number1; Number2;...Number 0 are numerical values or ranges.


AVERAGE (1;2;3;4;5) will return 3 as the result.

AVERAGE (A1;A3;B5) calculates the average of the three cells.

AVERAGE (A1:E10) calculates the average of all cells in the A1 to E10 cell range.




More detailed complete list of functions can be found under the Help >> Help: search for “mathematical functions”.

In Excel, the list of functions is found in Formulas tab, under Math & Trig.

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4. Graphing

Let us go back to the radius and area data, and create a Radius vs. Area graph.  The radius is now extended up to 1.0 m.  To make a graph, you highlight the data cells (both x and y) that you want to plot the graph with.  The left column is to be plotted on x axis, and the right column is on y axis.  In this case, the range of the cells is A3:B7, and Radius (column A) will be on x axis, Area (column B) will be on y axis.

Once the data range is highlighted, click on the “Chart” icon on top typecolumn_16.png (or alternatively, go to Insert >> Chart)

It plots a default Column chart, and a Chart Wizard window (see below) opens.  In the window, select “XY (Scatter)”.

In Excel, inserting a chart can be done from Insert tab, and then choose Scatter >> Scatter with only Markers.


The graph now has been changed to XY scatter plot (without lines).

Notice that the radius is in x-axis and area is in y-axis.  You can choose to finalize the graph by clicking “Finish” or choose to modify it by going through Data Range, Data Series, and Chart Elements by clicking “Next >>”.

In Chart Elements, you can put Title and axis labels of the graph.  You can also choose to display or not display the legend (shown on the right in this graph that says “Column B”).

To insert elements or format the chart, you can double click the chart so that the gray border will appear.  Insert and Format menus on the toolbar at the very top are now customized for the chart.


In Excel, Chart Tools tab appears when you click on the graph area, and all of the above-mentioned tools to modify your graph are found under the Chart Tools.  For example,

To change data range, data series: Design >> Select Data

To add a char title: Layout >> Chart Titles

To add axis labels: Layout >> Axis Titles

To edit legend: Layout >> Legend



The final graph may look like this:


This graph is not linear (i.e., not straight line).  As we know, area of a circle is , so area A is not directly proportional to r, and the Area vs. Radius graph becomes a curve (a graph of y = ax2).  This is fine, but for science experiments we usually need to “fit” a line to the data points, to describe the general trend suggested by the data.  This general trend line will then tell us the relation between the variables plotted.  It is much easier to fit a straight line to the data than a curve, so it is preferred that you plot data in a way you would expect a linear relationship.

What variables do you have to plot in order to obtain a straight line graph in this example?  What is A directly proportional to?

The answer is that A is directly proportional to r2, and therefore, Area vs. Radius2 graph should give you a straight line.  

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5. Printing the Graph

When a graph is printed on a sheet of paper, the graph should cover at least 80% of the sheet area for clear presentation.  So before printing it out, do the following:

Change the page format to Landscape: Go to Format >> Page… , and in the window go to Page.  Click on Landscape orientation.  Also make sure you have the Format set to A4, not Letter.

Click on the chart that you want to print out, and copy it and paste it to another empty worksheet (Sheet 2, for example).

Preview the page: Go to File >> Page Preview.  Adjust the size of the graph and the page margins as needed, using the tool bar on top (see the below image).

To change margins, click on Margins.

To adjust the size of the graph, use the slide bar

Picture 5.png


In Excel, printing a graph can be simpler:

Click on the graph so that the graph is selected, then go to the office button , and click Print >> Print Preview.  The default should be landscape, and you should only see the graph maximized to the printing area of the paper.  If you need to change the margin or other page setup, click on Page Setup in the preview window (or from the worksheet, click on Page Layout tab).  Make sure your paper size is set to A4.



Here is an example of a printout.  Notice that there are header and footer information printed, with your name on it.  You MUST put your name on your graph so that you can identify your printout when you pick up from a printer!


The default header is “Sheet 1” and footer is “Page 1”.


To change header or footer, go to Format Page on the preview tool bar (see the above image), and go to Header or Footer section.  There, click on Edit.


You can type any header / footer information that you want to be appeared on your graph print out.  The dropdown menu already has some options with your name in them, so you can also choose one of those.


Only your name is absolutely required, but printing date may also be useful.


 Footer information is optional.


In Excel, the same things can be done from a print preview window:

            Go to Page Setup >> Header/Footer


Or alternatively from the worksheet, go to Insert >> Header & Footer



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6. Plotting Exercise

You measure the radii and areas of  various circles in order to determine the relation between the radius and its area of a circle.  The data collected are shown in the table below.

Radius Area
(m) (m2)
0.19 0.2
0.34 0.4
0.41 0.5
0.60 0.8
0.62 1.1
0.68 1.5
0.75 2.1
0.92 2.9
1.03 3.1

1. Enter these data in a worksheet.  If your entered value shows less significant figures (for example, you entered 0.60 but shows as 0.6),  you can change that by right clicking on the cell: choose Format Cells... >> Number, and you see an option of changing Decimal places.


If default language of Calc or Microsoft Excel  is Turkish, you might get "number stored as text" (or "#VALUE!") error if you type decimal points by using point (.) such as (1.02). In this case you should either use comma (,) to write decimals such as (1,02) or change default language to English by following these steps:

                Microsoft Excel

2. Plot the Area vs. Radius2 graph.

To do this, you will need to first make a column of Radius2 and calculate them.  Then, follow the instruction described in the Graphing section above.

By default, the first column of your data selection is plotted on x-axis and the second column on y-axis.  Make sure that you have Area in y-axis and Radius2 in x-axis.  If you need to switch them, go to Data Series in the Chart Wizard, and select the correct range for X-Values and Y-Values (or alternatively, double click the chart, and go to Format >> Data Ranges… to open the same window).

Clicking Select Data Range icon selectrange.png will let you choose the data range interactively.

In Excel, under the Chart Tools tab, Select Data >> Edit lets you edit X Y data ranges separately.  Click on  to choose the range interactively.

3. Make sure you put the title and axis labels (with units) on your graph.

4. To "fit" a line or curve using the spreadsheet, do the following:

5. To "fit" a line to your data by hand, print out the chart (make sure your name is on the header) and follow the step 6.  

6. Draw a straight line that fits the data (this is called the best-fit line).  The ideal best-fit line should have equal number of data points on each side of the line, with minimum possible distance from each data point.  With real experimental data, any of the data points may not be on the best-fit line, but it is fine as long as the line satisfies these conditions and describes the trend of the data.

Examples of a good fit and a bad fit:

7. Calculate the slope of the best-fit line.  Show your calculations on the graph paper.

Example: A graph of distance (d) vs. Time (t) is plotted, and the best-fit line has been drawn.  For the slope calculation, pick any two points on the best-fit line and make a right triangle, as shown in the figure.  Do NOT use the actual data points unless they are exactly on the best-fit line.  A bigger triangle is better.  The slope of a straight line is , so here we have:


Always keep the units in your slope calculation: the slope also has units (or can be unitless when x and y units cancel each other).  Note the units of the slope here – this is the velocity. 

8. What is this slope supposed to be according to the area-of-a-circle formula?  Write down your answer on the graph paper.

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NS101 Plotting Tutorial, Sabancı University

Author: Yuki Kaneko         Last modified on: 1 April, 2014